Backpack Buddies of Maple Valley


Backpack Buddies of Maple Valley, WA, is a non-profit organization that provides nutritional security to students K–12 who lack sufficient nutrition at home or are unsure where their next meal will come from. If your child is in need of the support Backpack Buddies provides, short term or long term, please visit the Backpack Buddies of Maple Valley website to learn more.

Backpack Buddies accepts families on their word that they are in need of assistance. Families simply have them complete an opt-in form, which can be found on the Backpack Buddies website, or by using the PDF application below. There is currently no screening process in place. Families can withdraw from the program at any time.

Participating students will receive an unmarked bag of nutritious food that may include pasta, soup, juice, oatmeal, snack crackers, and granola bars. Bags are delivered to your kids’ school and taken home on Fridays (or the last day of the school week).  Days are adjusted on an as-needed basis during holidays or school closures. If you feel your child would benefit from the Backpack Buddies program, please complete the form on the Backpack Buddies website, or mail a printed PDF form (below) to the address listed on the form.

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