Step 2: Requirements for Enrollment

Step 2: Requirements for Enrollment

As you prepare to register your student, it is important to be aware of the Tahoma School District requirements for enrollment in order for the process to go smoothly.

As you complete the online enrollment application, you will reach the required documents section which will prompt you to upload the following documents to finalize your student’s enrollment with the Tahoma School District.

It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to provide the following documents:

Required: Proof of Age
Examples are birth certificate, passport, previously verified school records, adoption record, a certified statement of a physician, or an immunization record with a birth date on it.  Please discuss any alternatives with the registrar.

Signed Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) – To obtain your family’s official WA immunization records easily (as well as AZ, DC, LA, MD, MS, ND, WV & SAFE), please visit, register yourself and your child(ren), quickly request the Certificate of Immunization, download the form to then upload into your enrollment application.  For more information on this process, please visit here.  States not included on this website can be manually filled out and signed on the CIS form here based off of your child’s doctor’s records. 

WAC 246-105-030 – Vaccine-preventable diseases children must be protected against for full immunization. In accordance with the conditions of this chapter, a child is required to be vaccinated against, or show proof of acquired immunity for, the following vaccine-preventable diseases before attending school or a child care center:

(1) Chickenpox (Varicella);
(2) Diphtheria;
(3) German measles (Rubella);
(4) Haemophilus influenzae type B disease;
(5) Hepatitis B;
(6) Measles (Rubeola);
(7) Mumps;
(8) Pneumococcal disease;
(9) Polio (Poliomyelitis);
(10) Tetanus; and
(11) Whooping cough (Pertussis).

Exempt Status
To request your child to be exempt from any immunization requirement, you must have a completed Certificate of Exemption (COE) form on file, which may be obtained from your child’s school or health care provider.

Students with exempt status will be excluded from school in the event of an outbreak and will remain excluded per Department of Health recommendations. One case constitutes an outbreak.

For information on vaccination Certificate of Exemption (COE), please visit the WA State Department of Health School and Child Care Immunizations for Families website here.  *We cannot allow entry into our schools without the signed CIS or COE form.*

Legal Guardianship
– In Washington State, people who can enroll a child in school include:
a. Parents or Legal Guardians (birth certificate establishes this and age of the child)
b. A person acting as a parent in the absence of a parent or guardian. This might include:
i. A Caregiver acting in the role of parent.
ii. A Foster Parent, or
iii. A relative providing “Kinship Care”,
c. A youth on their own - 
A young person who is not living with a parent and does not have a fixed, regular or adequate place to live, can get help enrolling on their own as an “Unaccompanied Homeless Youth.” Ask to talk to a McKinney-Vento Liaison if you are on your own, or are helping a young person who is on their own enroll in school.

Proof of Residency
Tahoma School District may only enroll students whose Parent(s) or Guardian(s) reside within school district boundaries, unless an Inter-district Transfer form has been accepted by the district prior to enrollment. For cases in which residency is in question, school officials can investigate by making a home visit. Residency verification is a parent responsibility and falsification of information provided during this process will be grounds for immediate cancellation of enrollment. Families must notify the Tahoma School District in writing within five (5) school days following any change of residency.  However, if you are currently without a regular place to live (if you are experiencing homelessness), the school cannot require documents before enrolling your child. If this might apply to you or a child you are caring for, ask at the school or district office to talk with the school district’s McKinney-Vento Liaison.

School transcripts if the child has attended school before.
Once you have uploaded the required documents above, you'll be prompted to complete Additional District Forms within the enrollment portal and to sign digitally.

Other forms you will be asked to complete & digitally sign within the portal:

  • OSPI Home Language Survey 
    The Home Language Survey is given to all. The primary purpose of the Home Language Survey is to help identify students who may qualify for support to help them develop the English language skills necessary for success in the classroom as well as who may qualify for other services.  Sample OSPI Home Language Surveys in all languages:  Click Here

  • Student Health HistoryThe Tahoma School District Health Services team believes that optimal health is essential for maximum utilization of educational opportunities; therefore, the health status of the child bears a direct relationship to the quality of his or her educational achievement.

    Important: If your child has a life threatening condition such as asthma, diabetes, seizures, or severe allergies, please call your new school nurse to set up an appointment to formulate an Emergency Action Plan for the current school year. This must be completed before your child can attend school. RCW 28A.210.210.320.

    For more information and additional forms visit the Special Services website.

  •  Student With Special Needs - Parents/legal guardians of special needs students will also need to provide the following:

    • Copy of current IEP/Special Education Evaluation and any other relevant evaluative information
    • Copies of relevant medical documentation
    • A completed Exchange of Confidential Information form is available within the Enrollment Portal or you can print and bring it with you to the school when you meet with staff:Authorization for the release of records

Additional Special Services resources can be found at the OSPI Special Education website.

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