Mr. Martinez
Fourth Grade Teacher, Rock Creek Elementary
Voice Mail: 425-413-3290 x9166, Email: [email protected]
Welcome to Fourth Grade! I'm Mr. Martinez and I'm looking forward to learning with you this year. The links on the left side will contain helpful information and websites to help navigate through our class. Once our school year begins, I will continue to update this page with pertinent information and materials to meet your needs.
Families, along with this website, I will be using Class Dojo as a form of communication. Class Dojo is a virtual classroom that allows me to share photos, videos, and announcements on many of the activities we will be engaged in throughout the year. Class Dojo also offers a private message feature that functions as an instant message service. A link to Class Dojo is available in the "Useful Links" section to your left. Class Dojo access and login information will be available during the first week of school. If you need to contact me the best way is through Class Dojo (once it is available) and email. Finally, I will be utilizing Google Classroom for many assignments and tasks. Your child will need to sign-in with their GoTahoma email address and password to access our classroom. Upcoming classwork, assignments, projects, and testing will be available as we move closer to the 2020-2021 school year.
Looking forward to see you!